Thursday, June 28, 2012

Chocksett continues to "sizzle" in the summer!

Chocksett Middle School is bustling throughout the summer with many activities for children offered by the Sterling Recreation Department. The instructors of several offerings are Chocksett staff members. It is a joy to watch so many children have fun as they learn many skills; such as sewing, cooking, music, etc.
Project Runway & More - Instructors Mrs. Grabek and Ms. Meade

Friday, June 15, 2012

Is it really the end of another school year?

Dear Chocksett Parents/Guardians,

It seems as if I just wrote your welcome back letter. I wish to thank you all for your continued support. Working together we have implemented a new school improvement plan that will guide us through the next few years. I look forward to continuing the work we have begun to ensure that all students receive a quality education in a safe and respectful environment.

I would especially like to take this opportunity to thank all who have volunteered their time and efforts this year. You have donated your time in many ways including: School Council, PTO, Mathletes, Destination Imagination, U.N/Social Studies, athletic coaching, Science Olympiad, library, school store, chaperones for dances and field trips, etc. Without you the many opportunities offered to our students would not be possible. A very special thank you to our PTO for their financial support of our many after school clubs and activities. These student enrichment activities are the soul of our school community. The Chocksett School Community is very grateful for all you have done and continue to do.

I would be remiss if I did not thank my staff for their outstanding dedication to the education and the well being of your children. They are true professionals in the finest sense of the word. They are life long learners who spend many hours outside of the school day in preparation for their responsibilities and commitment to their students. I am proud to be their “educational leader”.

May I also take this opportunity to wish Kathy Mitchell and MaryBeth Petit the very best as they leave us at the end of this school year to begin the next phase of their professional careers at Wachusett Regional High School, Math, and Mountview Middle School, Grade 7 Science. The Chocksett Community has benefited from their many years of dedicated service.

Again, thank you all. I look forward to working with you and your children next year.

As always, if you have any questions or if I can be of any assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact me. 

Have a wonderful summer!

Friday, June 8, 2012

A Sincere Thank You!

Friends and Colleagues,

I have recently been notified that I have been chosen as the 2013 MetLife/NASSP/MSSAA Massachusetts Middle School Principal of the Year. With this award, I am humbled and proud to be able to represent the many deserving Middle School Principals throughout our state and especially the Chocksett Middle School community and the Wachusett Regional School District. I am very grateful to all of you that have supported my nomination. This award would not be possible without your continued support, cooperation and all your efforts on behalf of our students and all members of our school community.


Friday, May 25, 2012

PTO - Supporting our Children!

I wish to thank the Chocksett PTO for their continued support for our many student activities and resources.

The PTO is looking to fill some board positions for the upcoming 12-13 school year. This is a wonderful opportunity to be directly involved in our school. The PTO provides the school with a wide variety of educational programs, school enrichment activities and clubs, and also much needed equipment and supplies for our classrooms.

Please consider helping out!  It doesn't take much time and it is so beneficial to our school!
We have many great volunteers in place to help.

If you have any questions, or would like to help out, please let us know by contacting
Sue Segalla, PTO Co-President @ (978-422-7793) or Margaret Morgan, Principal, at

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Grade 8 End of Year Activities

It is hard to believe that the end of the school year is rapidly approaching. The following is a listing of the Grade 8 end of year activities. Thank you to Ms. Petit and Ms. Mitchell, class advisors, and their colleagues for their work with the grade 8 class in organizing these events.

Upcoming Dates to Remember:
June 7th – Math Final Exam
June 8th – Science Final Exam
June 11th – 8th Grade Talent Show
June 12th – Field Trip – Six Flags (depart 8:00 am and return 6:00 pm)
June 13th – Rain Date for Six Flags trip if needed
June 13th – 8th Grades Awards Assembly (9:00) and Class Movie
(Major awards will be presented at Graduation)
June 14th – 8th Grade Class Picnic
June 14th – Graduation 6:30 pm – Dance immediately following until 9:30 pm

 Class Picnic, Graduation and Dance:
It is hard to believe that Graduation is only a few weeks away.  There is so much to be done before the big day.  The Graduation Dance will immediately follow the Graduation Ceremony, and will run until 9:30 pm.

Graduation starts promptly at 6:30 pm in the Chocksett Gymnasium.  Students should arrive at 6:00 pm and meet their teachers in the Houghton Cafeteria.

If you would like to volunteer, chaperone the dance, or make a donation for the class picnic, please contact Ms. Mitchell ( or Mrs. Petit (

Six Flags Field Trip:
The 8th Grade field trip to Six Flags will take place on Tuesday, June 12th with a rain date of Wednesday June 13th.  The student’s admission includes the park admission fee, Water Park, and a lunch voucher.  If the rain date is needed a notification call will be sent via Connect Ed.
Students need to be at Chocksett at 7:45 am.  We depart at 8:00am SHARP!

Students must wear their class t-shirt the day of the field trip.

Lockers are available at Six Flags for a fee if students wish to bring dry clothing to change into for the bus ride home.

Food or drink may not be brought into the park.

All Chocksett Middle School handbook rules apply during this trip.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Student Recital - BRAVO!

On the evening of May 3rd, the Chocksett Theater was filled with incredible music. The audience was awed by the varied and inspiring student solo and/or duo performances; vocal and instrumental. 

A special thank you to Mrs. Basiul and Mrs Busby for their dedicated work in helping to prepare students for this second annual event. Congratulations to all participants!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Support our Children

We ask that you attend the Sterling Town Meeting and cast your vote in support of our children. The Sterling Town Meeting will take place at the Chocksett Middle School on May 14th @ 6:30pm (Special Town Meeting) 7:00pm (Annual Town Meeting). 

Information pertaining to the WRSD Budget, including explanations, PowerPoints, and financial data can be found on the following link: WRSD Budget  

Chocksett Parent Survey

There is still time to take part in our Chocksett Parent Survey.   Information collected from this survey will assist in the future planning of Chocksett Middle School.  The survey will be available until May 14th.  We thank you for your time and attention to this request.
Parent Survey

Friday, April 27, 2012


Grade 5 - testing on May 8, May 9, May 14, May 15

Grade 6 - testing on May 8, May 10

Grade 7 - testing on May 15, May 17

Grade 8 - testing on May 9, May 11, May 16, May 17

All testing starts in the morning.  Our students are well prepared for their tests.  Please contribute towards their success by encouraging a good night's sleep, a healthy breakfast and arriving at school on time.

Monday, April 23, 2012

PTO Sponsored Budget Information Meeting

Please join us on April 24th at 7:00 PM in the Chocksett Library.

This meeting will be a joint Houghton/Chocksett PTO Meeting.

Dr. Pandiscio will be available to answer questions regarding the district budget.  We encourage you to review the budget prior to the meeting so any questions you have can be addressed.  The budget can be found on the following link:  WRSD Budget Information

We hope you can join us!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Chocksett Art Students Reach Out To New Orleans

The National Junior Art Honor Society has been working diligently to support a classroom of third grade students at a Renew School in New Orleans. Knowing how precious simple school supplies are to these students, our 7th and 8th grade NJAHS students, under the direction of Mrs. Grabek and Mrs. Valcarce, are creating art kits for each child.  They will also receive an individualized activity book created just for them.

Each book is filled with a variety of coloring, cutting and pasting projects designed by the NJAHS’ members.  The personal notes that accompany each package are truly heartwarming and inspiring for the recipients.  We thank our local Girl Scout Troop for their donation of supplies for this project. Donations of supplies, to the Art Club such as pencils, colored pencils, erasers and crayons are always welcome.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Congratulations to Chocksett Middle School’s Destination ImagiNation Students

On Saturday, March 31st, our Chocksett Middle School Destination ImagiNation students competed in the state tournament hosted at WPI.  At the Middle School level, 6th graders, Lauren A., Emily C., Gianna D. and Andrew M. achieved 3rd place in the state middle school competition in “The World Canvas,” a project outreach challenge.  Their project was a book donation drive to benefit the Chocksett Library.  As 6th graders, this was their first time participating in Destination ImagiNation competing against returning students through grade eight statewide.

Many thanks to Mrs. Pare (team manager), Mrs. Dow (school librarian), Appletown Market, Old Sterling Candle Co.,  Sterling Conant Library and all our community members that donated books to support their project.

Friday, April 6, 2012


Kathleen Mitchell and Mary-Beth Petit, grade eight teachers at Chocksett Middle School, were presenters at the recent 31st Annual New England League of Middle Schools Conference held April 2nd and 3rd in Providence, RI.  The conference brought together teachers, administrators, higher education students and professors, and others committed to educational growth and improvement.

 The conference focused on effective instruction, improved student outcomes, positive school cultures and learning strategies.  Approximately 100 sessions were held relating to topics such as advisory, literacy, math & science, common core curriculum, technology, anti-bullying, professional learning communities, differentiated instruction, student motivation, assessment and leadership.

Ms. Mitchell and Mrs. Petit presented a workshop entitled “Motion Madness – CBR and Graphing Calculator Technology in the Math and Science Classroom.” The goal of this workshop was to share the knowledge they have gained in their collaborative efforts to develop an interdisciplinary teaching approach in the STEM field.

 Ms. Mitchell and Mrs. Petit shared their expertise using CBR motion detectors and TI-83 graphing calculators to explore the concepts of slope (rate of change) and its affect on distance vs. time graphs.  Real life data collection techniques were modeled to make the algebra and physics concepts more relevant. The participating educators were able to actively perform lessons and activities that they could take back and use within their own classrooms.  Many of the participants were excited by the prospect of presenting the challenging concepts to their own students and the opportunity to introduce this technology to them.

Ms.Mitchell and Mrs. Petit were honored to be able to share their knowledge with other educators throughout New England.  This would not have been possible without the Chocksett PTO’s grant for the purchase of most of the CBR units.  Bringing technology into the classroom helps support the WRSD’s “21st Century Skills” initiative which helps prepare students for success in our rapidly changing world.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Kudos to our Student Gymnasts!

At the State Championships held recently in Sterling, Sam D. placed 1st on vault, 2nd on parallel bars, 3rd on floor and rings, and 4th on pommel horse. As a result of this performance, he is now the All-Around State Champion for level 6 ages 10-11.

Ethan T, is also level 6, but in the 12+ age group. He placed first on 3 events; floor, pommel horse and rings, and came in 2nd in the all-around competition.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Be Fit Activities Flourish

Chocksett Track Club

Mr. Brandon Smith will be offering an after school track program this April, May and June, practicing 3 days/week at Chocksett Middle School.   Mr. Pistrang, the Princeton track coach, will still be welcoming students to join his team for practices and competitions as they have done in the past.  Mr. Smith and Mr. Pistrang will be working together to coach the Chocksett students.

Our students have a choice to join one or both of the Sterling Track Club and the Princeton Track Team. Students who choose to compete with the Princeton team will be required to fill out the usual medical forms and pay the athletic fee ($70.00) to Thomas Prince School.  There is no cost to be part of the Chocksett Track Club.

This is a great opportunity for our students in Sterling and we are excited to have this new Spring Track program and Mr. Smith here at Chocksett.  Please contact Mrs. Lauder at 978-996-1660 or  with any questions you may have.

Floor Hockey

Floor Hockey continues to be a favorite after school activity under the direction of Mr. Topolewsi and Mr. Pageau, grade 6 teachers.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Exciting Changes in the Cafe!

By popular demand, the Chocksett cafeteria will now be offering a self select salad entree on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Students will be able to create their own salads. The cafeteria staff has been working diligently to offer our students good tasting , healthy lunch options.For a little added excitement, every Wednesday students that buy lunch will be entered in a raffle to receive a free snack.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring Sports!

Spring is here and it is time again for another great season. Try outs for Baseball and Softball will take place after school on March 19th and 20th. All forms must be completed and submitted prior to tryouts. The forms can be located on our school web site at the following link. Chocksett Sports

Friday, March 16, 2012

Annie Jr. Opening Night!

Our school theater club production of Annie Jr. opens this evening, March 16th @ 7:00pm. Their second presentation will be  Sunday afternoon, March 18th @ 2:00pm. Our student actors have been working diligently with Rachael Phaneuf, Director, and Suzanne Basiul, Musical Director on their 1st annual production. Tickets are still available today in the main school office and can also be purchased at the door. Cost is $7.00 for adults and $5.00 for students and seniors.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Congratulations to the Chocksett Social Studies/UN Club

On Saturday, March 3rd, Chocksett students competed in the district-wide Middle School Model UN Conference held at Wachusett Regional High School.  Students came together to discuss and debate the global problem of human slavery.  Students were assigned a country and then asked to represent the positions and solutions of that country to the rest of the Conference.  Students then worked together to provide common solutions that would elicit broad appeal.  Chocksett students claimed four awards for their efforts in speaking and leadership.  Danielle J. and Mike O’C. won Distinguished Delegate Awards while Katie C. and Mike K. took home Honorable Mentions.  Congratulations to the entire Chocksett team and their adviser, Mr. DeMarco, on a great performance!

While preparing for the Model UN competition, the Chocksett Social Studies/UN Club sponsored a drive called “Cookies for Troops”.  The goal was to bring our brave men and women soldiers of the 1-182 Infantry in Afghanistan some cheer by sending them donated boxes of Girl Scout Cookies.  Working with the very generous Sterling Girl Scout Troop 30501, we will donating over 320 boxes of cookies!  Thank you to all those associated with Chocksett Middle School and the town of Sterling for helping make this year’s support of our troops a successful one!

Upcoming Week of 3/12

The week of March 12th will be a busy time at Chocksett. Monday, March 12th, is a full Professional Day for staff. Therefore, students will have an extended weekend since they will not be attending school on that day. Teachers will continue their work in regards to 21st Century Teaching and Learning.

Our school musical, Annie, goes into full rehearsal week. Production dates are Friday evening, March 16th and Sunday afternoon, March 18th. For additional information contact Racheal Phaneuf, Director, at Additional information will be available soon on our school web site. Chocksett Middle School

Monday, March 5, 2012

BE FIT - Stay Fit

Throughout this school year many after school fitness activities  have been planned for all students; sponsored by the BE FIT Physical Education Grant. Volleyball, coached by Mr. DeMarco, Basketball, coached by Mr. Koski and a Walking Club, coached by Mr. Collins, took place this past Fall and Winter. At present, Floor Hockey is occurring, being coached by Mr.Pageau. This Wednesday, March 7th, the Fitness Club, coached by Mrs. Padilla, begins. Information regarding these activities may be located on our web site. Clubs/Activities

Later this Spring, a track club will be taking place. Please check our web site for upcoming information.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

MCAS Schedule 2012

MCAS Schedule

The ELA MCAS testing period is just "around the corner". Our students are well prepared and ready to go. Not every day during the testing period will be used for testing at each grade level. Several days are set aside for any make-up testing that is needed.  (Due to any unexpected conflicts, these dates may be adjusted within the testing period.)

March-April MCAS Testing Period: March 20-April 2


Grade 8: March 27 & 28
Grade 7: March 20, 22, & 23
Grade 6: March 21 & 23
Grade 5: March 20 & 22

May  MCAS Testing Period: May 7 - May 22

Exact dates TBA

Friday, February 17, 2012

Math Competition

Chocksett hosted its sixth annual Math Competition for the district middle schools on Monday Feb. 13th.  These friendly competitions between Mountview, Paxton, Thomas Prince and Chocksett are held throughout the school year at each of the participating middle schools, with a final competition held at Wachusett Regional High School in the spring.  There are two rounds of competition:  an individual round and a team round.  The top three individuals in each of the 6th, 7th and 8th grades are recognized for their achievement at each math meet.  In addition, the top 3 scoring teams are recognized.  The teams are made up of students from each grade.  There were over 60 individuals competing who were then grouped into 20 teams.

A team from Chocksett tied for third place in the team round.  Sanjay G. (8th grade), Ian S. (7th grade) and Andrew M. (6th grade) were the members of that team.  In addition, three individuals took honors in the individual round.  Sanjay came in 2nd among all 8th graders competing, Kyle B. tied for 3rd place in the 8th grade competition, and Andrew M. tied for 1st place in the 6th grade competition.

Congratulations to all Mathletes who participated in this competition!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Please Join Us!

February 15, 2012 @ 9:00 AM (Chocksett Library)

The February PTO meeting will also include a "Principal's Coffee and Chat".
This month we are pleased to have district personnel, as well as School Committee representation available to discuss WEFT and district initiatives.

Hope you can join us for this informal, yet informative, get together!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Chocksett Student Wins State Essay Contest

"Young America Takes a Stand: The War of 1812", was the subject and title of the essay that seventh grader, Katie C., submitted for the Daughters of the American Revolution writing contest. This contest is open to all middle school students. Earlier this year, Katie's essay won the regional competition.  She was recently notified that she has won the state level competition as well. Her essay has now been submitted for national recognition. Congratulations!!!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Chocksett Student - Avon Walk for Breast Cancer Youth Crew Partcipant

Seventh grader, Mitchell B., has joined the youth crew for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. We applaud and support his dedication and commitment to this worthy cause. To learn more about Mitchell and the upcoming event visit Mitchell's Page.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

D.I. Super Fan Contest - 2/3/12

Destination Imagination will be sponsoring a "Super Fan Contest" on Friday, February 3rd.  Students may wear their favorite team outfit - team jersey, hat, jewelry, etc....  Be Creative!  (School Rules Apply - no masks or weapon like props!!)

Contestants will be judged during lunch on Friday.  One winner from each grade will receive a coupon from the school store, as well as a snack lunch coupon.

A $1 donation in support of our D.I. teams will be greatly appreciated.  Checks can be made out to WRSD.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Chocksett Basketball

Kudos to our winter athletes. As we enter the playoffs, I want to congratulate all our Basketball Players and Cheerleaders for the outstanding job they have done this season. Our students have displayed good sportsmanship at all times. No matter the result of the play offs, this Principal is not only proud of our students athletic prowess, but their demonstration of great citizenship.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

COOKIES FOR OUR TROOPS - January 24th-February 1st

Still Time To Participate!
The Chocksett Social Studies UN Club is sponsoring a drive to bring Girl Scout cookies to our troops in Afghanistan.  To donate a box, or boxes, of tasty cheer to our soldiers please complete the flyer that can be found on our main website or return the one that went home with your child.  The cost for each donated box of Girl Scout cookies is $4.00. Checks should be made payable to WRSD.  Please return the completed flyer with payment to your child’s homeroom teacher or the main school office.  All donated cookies will be packed and shipped by the Social Studies UN Club to the men and women of the 1-182 serving in Afghanistan.  We appreciate your support!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Destination Imagination - Book Project

One of our Destination Imagination teams has joined forces with our Library to enhance the selection of books available for student use.  Students participating in this DI Outreach Project have set up collection boxes throughout designated areas in the school. Fellow classmates are asked to contribute middle school appropriate “new” or “gently used” novels and/or reference books. The collection areas will also include a student sign-up sheet, where students can list books they would like to see added to our Library.

Although our students are quite savvy with available technology and many are digital readers, there is still often the desire for the comfort of a good book.  Our students thank you for your participation in support of their efforts

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wood Carving Presentation by Fellow Sixth Grade Student

Chocksett's sixth grade students and staff were impressed with the artistic wood carving presentation by fellow sixth grader, David H. Joining David was his grandfather, Gerd Orgledinger, as they presented their award winning wood carvings. The pair have carved together for several years at a local wood carving association. David has won several blue ribbons for his carvings of birds and pictures. Along with a slide show of their work, many individual works were available for show. David then demonstrated different tools and techniques in wood carving. The sixth grade was amazed at the realistic carvings.

MARC Visits Chocksett

On January 9th, the Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center (MARC) from Bridgewater State University visited Chocksett to present on the topic of Bullying and Cyberbullying.  Meghan McCoy, M.Ed., Program Coordinator, discussed with students the impact of bullying, cyberbullying, and the roles of bystanders and "eggers."  MARC 's emphasis is on the bystanders and ways their behaviors may inadvertently support or encourage bullying by providing an audience. Ms. McCoy emphasized ways in which a bystander can deter bullying and minimize any benefits the bullier may seek by engaging in such behavior.  This was the 2nd year in a row where Ms. McCoy has come to Chocksett and successfully engaged students in this topic. 

Students will have to discuss this presentation with their homeroom teachers on January 25th.